Friday, March 26, 2010

post #2. MoMA Report

William Kentridge: Five Themes

Marina Abramovic: The Artist is Present

Blockbuster shows, loud, crowded, dense. Awe-inspiring.

Kentridge a genius of ideas and technique with more than a twinge of humor, his moving pictures are that and more. Especially loved the drawings on book pages. And his homage to magic.

Abramovic’s retrospective and current performance Super Sadly Scarily Serious, the only humor the audience reaction to her Body of Work, (pun intended). The one-page stories next to her Biography explained much of her psychological extremism; what I wondered about was the psyches of her Re-enactors.

I did not participate in her performance except as an Observer. Not enough patience to wait in line & be videotaped in the process. Maybe I’ll go again first thing on a midweek morning, and wear my lipstick.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

post #1

hoping this will be a place to post some photographs (old & new), and some musings: some wisdom & some folly.

first photos here: black & white with a bit of color. about the here & now, the now & again, the visible & the invisible. the world in a grain of sand: a snowflake; a flower. beauty everywhere, just look & see.